Saturday, January 8, 2011

Super Star Destroyer Lusankya Destroys IvisiSec!

Super Star Destroyer Lusankya Destroys IvisiSec!
Over a Million Missing and Presumed Dead!
Isard Flees Coruscant Amid Carnage!

Silence blankets Coruscant today, even as the sporadic bombings of the remaining Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front terrorists ring out hollow bursts around the capital planet. Silence, shock, and horror: these are the only responses possible to the barbaric action taken by the fallen director of the old Empire. The total destruction of thousands of multi-level blocks of Coruscant's InvisiSec district accompanied the fearful emergence of the 12 kilometer long Super Star Destroyer that has, until this morning, been carefully hidden beneath the superstructures of InvisiSec's buildings themselves.

Death On a Massive Scale
The massive Super Star Destroyer, which broadcast the transponder IFF name Lusankya, not having been designed for atmospheric flight, forced its way up through hundreds of levels of inhabited Coruscanti homes, offices, schools, and other buildings powered by a massive repulsor sled system designed to push the terrible vessel into orbit. With terrifying speed, it blasted its way through the structure of InvisiSec's neighborhoods and business districts; the structure that housed over a million Coruscanti citizens, collapsing, upturning, and pulverizing inhabited structure as it rose. The ship then rose into the sky, and easily piercing the planetary shields with its terrible weapons arrays, ascended into space before making the jump to lightspeed. Perhaps a million citizens were killed instantly as their city itself rose up and crumbled around them. Thousands more were likely killed in the resultant groundquakes and fires that spread from Lusankya's destruction of utility and power lines that ran throughout InvisiSec. New Republic and Coruscanti emergency teams are frantically trying to put out the fires and locate survivors, but initial estimates put the total death toll at nearly a million and a half Coruscanti citizens murdered to allow Ysanne Isard to escape the planet with her prized ship.

Lusankya Prison Revealed
The terrible ship that caused this carnage broadcast the name Lusankya, revealing the answer to a riddle that has plagued Alliance Intelligence officials for some time. For years it was known that rebel operatives, agents, and even political dissidents against the regime of the fallen Emperor Palpatine had been "disappeared" to a secret and remote prison facility called simply "Lusankya." General Airen Cracken, head of the newly created New Republic Intelligence office, told HoloNET News, "until now, Lusankya was one of the Empire's best kept secrets. Only top ranking officers and officials had even heard the name. All that was known until this morning was that Lusankya was a secret prison, unspeakably secret and remote, wherein rebel agents and officers and sympathizers, as well as Imperial officials deemed to have 'failed' the regime were sent to be brainwashed, broken, and returned to the Rebellion as double agents." While it is now apparent that the Lusankya was a Super Star Destroyer hidden, against all belief, beneath the structures of Coruscant itself, New Republic officials say they have intelligence that suggest that the fabled Lusankya prison is indeed within the belly of the massive vessel.

Isard's Crimes Laid Bare
Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard, the former hope for a resurgent Empire, in hiding since her failure to defend Coruscant from the then Rebel Alliance, is now known to be behind not only the catastrophic destruction of InvisiSec, but also a number of other crimes and terrorist actions. It has long been suspected the Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front terrorist cells were operating with Isard's direction and supplies, and that has now been confirmed by the defection of Imperial Intelligence operative and PCF leader Kirtan Loor. What's more, files supplied by Loor (who himself was killed this morning by a brainwashed former Lusankya prisoner) confirm that Isard is also behind the engineering and spread of the dreaded Krytos Virus that continues to leave a wake of death as it courses through Coruscant's nonhuman populations. It has also been discovered from Loor's files that, contrary to many estimations, Isard did not intend to let Coruscant fall to the New Republic until after the Krytos virus had had time to spread to the various homeworlds of the nonhuman species affected by the disease. This plot, interrupted by the surprise assault on Coruscant led by the elite Rogue Squadron pilots, would essentially have ended in genocide for many of the galaxy's sentient species. While views on the so-called equality of various nonhuman sapients remains in debate on Coruscant and other key Core worlds, the idea of programmed genocide only shows how truly evil the falling Imperial regime has become.

Reverence for the Dead, Thanks for the New Republic Efforts
With their continued efforts to staunch the horrendous flow of deaths resulting from Isard's Krytos virus, even at the cost of the majority of the meager Republic treasury and the Alliance military's own bacta supplies (shipments of which have been confirmed being distributed to the suffering citizens of Coruscant) the New Republic has been earning grudging respect among even the staunchest Imperial supporters on the world once known as "Imperial Center." Their quick response to the Isard-caused horror in InvisiSec, and their continued attempts to bring in the PCF terrorists, the New Republic has proven to Coruscanti citizens that their true aim is to protect the people the galaxy, rather than rule them as their Imperial counterparts did. While it is difficult not to yearn for the order once imposed by Imperial rule, the Lusankya's horrifying eruption from Coruscant's city-surface can leave little doubt that the Empire's focus has never been so much on the protection of its citizens, but rather on obtaining and holding power, even at the cost of its own people's lives. We here at Galactic HoloNET News send our best wishes to the friends and families of the dead of InvisiSec and the Krytos virus, and we send our thanks for the hard-pressed but earnest efforts of the New Republic to save lives and rebuild a world devastated by our former Imperial leaders.


Thrantarider said...

"the Lusankya's horrifying eruption from Coruscant's city-surface can leave little doubt that the Empire's focus has never been so on the protection of its citizens"

Anyone from the dead world of Alderaan could have told you that years ago. I guess Coruscantis don't care when it's millions of peaceful, art- and nature-loving citizens who never harmed anyone, but harm their own and they finally understand the horror of the death cult that called itself the "Empire".

Mackton said...

Wow, I bet that looked awesome! ...from a safe distance.

Jecht Long said...

It seems a strange move to suddenly reveal such an ace in the hole. Surely there was a lot of tactical value in having such an extensive base of operations and such a powerful vessel concealed within what is arguably the most important planet/city in the galaxy.

For them to suddenly abandon that position, there must be some tactical value we're not seeing.

Kembos said...

What happened to Galactic HoloNET News? They used to be patriots! InvisiSec is filled with ALIENS! The Krytos virus kills only ALIENS! The "rebellion" is a plot to destroy all humans perpetrated by ALIENS!
This articles says Isard committed crimes, but the rebel scum are no government. No government means no laws. No laws means no crimes. Isard did no crime! She protected REAL PATRIOTS!