Sunday, December 19, 2010

Imperial Moffs and Breakaway Warlords Still Hold the Rim

Imperial Moffs and Breakaway Warlords Still Hold the Rim!
Rebel Alliance Still Holds Coruscant!
Krytos Deaths Continue to Mount!
26 IC/7ABY

While the fledgling New Republic attempts to salvage some glory from the conquest of Imperial Center, the Alliance government is hounded by horrific setbacks both at home and abroad. It is a known fact that, while Coruscant may currently be in Alliance hands, the majority of the core's Imperial Fortress Worlds are well defended and perfectly capable of resisting Alliance aggression for some time. Moreover, despite several inconstant systems in the Colonies and Expansion Regions having joined the Alliance without a fight, the vast majority of the Imperial Navy remains intact and battle ready in the Mid and Outer Rim.

Moffs, Admirals, and Breakaway Warlords!
Thought the Imperial Navy remains functional, it is fragmented. Those squadrons not currently in defensive patterns around the loyal Fortress Worlds of the Core are split between the primary power brokers of a fragmented Imperial military. Some admirals and moffs have already split from the Empire, and claim sovereignty over tightly controlled sectors in the Rim. Others claim to still hold loyalty to the true Empire, yet refuse to coordinate with the other admirals, moffs and warlords. How their loyalty will be shifted with the disappearance of Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard and the subsequent breakdown of central Imperial leadership remains to be seen.

Warlord Zsinj of the Quelii Sector (Now "Zsinj's Domain")
Former Imperial Admiral and Grand Moff of the Quelii Sector, Warlord Zsinj (no surname) has set himself up as a warlord in in the sector he once ruled as Imperial Grand Moff. Based out of Serreno on the Hydian Way, Zsinj is currently in control of the largest swath of Imperial controlled space in the galaxy. Moreover, surprising the other moffs and warlords to no end, Zsinj seems to command a vast and wealthy financial and industrial infrastructure that keeps his fleet not only supplied, but growing. Though he has officially broken ties with the old Imperial command structure with the disappearance of Isard, the fact that Zsinj's fleet seems larger and better supplied than the true Imperial forces of Grand Moff Ardus Kaine of Oversector Outer leads many to believe that an assault by Zsinj will be the stroke that defeats the fledgling Alliance and brings forth a New Empire.
Grand Moff Ardus Kaine of Oversector Outer and the Pentastar Allignment
The Grand Moff of Oversector Outer, and successor to Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Moff Ardus Kaine worked quickly after the destruction of the second Death Star to gain independent control of corporate and industrial resources in order to hold Oversector Outer should the unthinkable happen and Coruscant fall. Holding stalwartly to the ideals of the New Order, Ardus Kaine is a devoted follower of the Emperor, and until recently was in communication with Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard, thus showing his loyalty even to the haphazard succession of "rightful" Imperial rulers. Oversector Outer, particularly the Pentastar Alignment, a cooperative of Imperial Moffs and corporate interests, is completely unassailable from space and remains the true bastion of Imperial values. Many loyal Imperial citizens, fearing rebel takeovers of their own planets, are moving to Oversector Outer in search of the prosperity and safety promised by Ardus Kaine and his powerful fleets.

Imperial Alliance?
With their combined fleets, Zsinj and Kaine could easily destroy the entire Alliance military force. The question remains, will they do so, and return the Galaxy to Imperial order? Even one of the warlords could fully engage the Alliance navy while the other reconquers the galaxy. However, neither of these cagey leaders seems willing to throw his own forces into the fray only to hand victory to his rival. Could it be that the egos and vain personal agendas of Zinj, Kaine, and other warlords like Moff Par Lankin, General Delvardus, and Moff Prentioch will spell victory for a rebel regime that cannot even seem to handle an outbreak of disease?


Arma Geeto said...

Zsinj will save us. The rebels underestimate him, and he will crush them. He is the Emperor reborn!

Dolu Bits said...

Probably a lot of shutas paying good money to take non-Imperial craft out of Rebel space and out to the Imperial domains. 'Specially the folks that were the hardest of New Order hardcases. If you can stand shipping sleemos like that, you can probably bank good cred.

Tumoo433 said...

Putting up with them isn't so bad. You just tune them out and think of the coming moment when you take all of their belongings and space them somewhere around Bilbringi.

Alderaan Rising said...

Death to them all! The rotten and soulless rule of the Imperialist scum is laid bare as the feckless underlings of Palpatine squabble for their own personal gain while millions die around them. Soon they will all be washed away in a cleansing spray of blood and revolution, and all you reactionary, imperial apologists and war profiteers will be washed away along with them.

Best get your affairs in order and notify your next of kin, for the True Revolution is beginning!

Radash Flynt said...

Zsinj looks like an absolute slob. If you can't even care for your own appearance how can you expect to maintain control of an army? The Moff, on the other hand obviously knows his business.