Sunday, November 21, 2010

Coruscant Falls to the Rebels!

Coruscant Falls to the Rebels!
Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard Missing!

The End of the Imperial Era?
IC 26/7 ABY (Rebel Calendar)

The glittering jewel of the galaxy, the center of governance, civilization, and galactic law is now firmly and officially in the hands of the so-called Rebel Alliance.
Last week, rebel saboteurs took control of one of capital planet's orbital solar mirrors and caused a focused light beam to vaporize Imperial City's No. 210 water reservoir. The resulting cloudburst caused lightening that downed ships and speeders and caused numerous deaths as well as (assuredly the rebel's primary objective) destabilizing and shutting down the planetary deflector shield.
With the collapse of the shield, the combined rebel fleet jumped into Coruscanti space from the recently captured planet of Borleias and engaged in a fierce, but frightfully brief space battle with the six Star Destroyers of the Coruscant Defense Detail. With surprise and greater numbers on their side, the rebel's handily defeated Coruscant's defenders and descended upon the capital planet directly. Depending on the great deflector shield itself for most of the planet's safety, the Imperial anti-air/space systems and planetary fighter squadrons were unable to mount a serious defense, as many were blasted from orbit before being able to sufficiently respond to the rebel threat.
Isard Missing!
Throughout the battle, Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard could not be reached, nor can she or her top aides be located at this time, though Rebel agents are no doubt searching the vastness of the great city-planet for them. Judging by Isard's history as head of Imperial Intelligence, it is unlikely that she will be soon found.
New Republic?
Former Imperial senator Mon Mothma, now head of the so-called Alliance of Free Planets and her ruling council (which hails mostly from nonhuman worlds) has publicly declared Coruscant "liberated." She has further stated that a New Republic will be built on Coruscant, wherein a reinstated senate will vote on edicts for a "free" galaxy.
Death Follows the Rebels!

Promises of democracy and republicanism, however, have to take a back seat to the terrible virus that seems to have followed to rebels to Coruscant. Within hours of taking the capital, the deadly disease, dubbed the "Krytos Virus," began sweeping through the nonhuman population of the planet. This first challenge to the "New Republic" is showing cracks in the seemingly powerful facade of the rebel government. As the Krytos Virus turns the once healthy flesh of nonhuman sentients into a bloody soup, Mon Mothma and her government frantically seek funds for Bacta to ameliorate the effects of the disease, as well as research teams willing and capable of developing a cure. As of now, only a week into the rebel occupation, thousands have died, and no solid method of acquiring and distributing Bacta has been developed by the credit-strapped "New Republic."


Malia Queshkar said...

First Post!

Vey Viis said...

Malia this isn't a competition. If is was, I'd have won.

And why are you reading this pudu? The major issue with regime change isn't how many people die and for what reason. Its these new calendars. Between Palpatine and Mon Mothma, I don't think I'll be on time for another appointment ever again.

Halon Hrav said...

Well I for one am glad that the rebels have taken Coruscant. With luck, that butcher Isard will be found and punished for masterminding the murder of over a thousand celebrants after Palpatine's death. How quickly you New Order sycophants forget the atrocities committed, even here in Imperial City, by your beloved "empire."

Kembos said...

The rebels sneaked in and destroyed the shield, and then rushed in and won the space battle. How could the Imperial Navy not see that coming? Isn't that exactly what destroyed the second Death Star? Wasn't Isard head of Imperial Intelligence? How did she not stop this plot?

This is why the TRUE EMPEROR never allowed women or aliens to rise to levels of power, and when HE returns there will be a reckoning. The Krytos plague is only the beginning! Women are next!

Vey Viis said...

Kembos, are you saying that a "fake" Emperor usurped the government from Palpatine and placed women like Isard in power?

So which one died on the DS2?

Kembos said...

Sate Pestage was no emperor, neither was the Isard woman. The TRUE EMPEROR died on DS2, but he'll be back and everyone will pay, starting with the rebel scum, their alien friends, and then women who don't know their place in the galaxy.

Alderaan Rising said...

All you bourgeoisie, imperialist pigs disgust me. Whining about your precious calendars and pining for your lost mass-murderer of an Emperor, while innocent people die in the streets from a disease engineered by your precious military-industrial complex. You all will be the first up against the wall when the true revolution comes, and that revolution is coming very, very soon.

Rise up against oppression! Remember Alderaan!