Saturday, January 8, 2011

Super Star Destroyer Lusankya Destroys IvisiSec!

Super Star Destroyer Lusankya Destroys IvisiSec!
Over a Million Missing and Presumed Dead!
Isard Flees Coruscant Amid Carnage!

Silence blankets Coruscant today, even as the sporadic bombings of the remaining Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front terrorists ring out hollow bursts around the capital planet. Silence, shock, and horror: these are the only responses possible to the barbaric action taken by the fallen director of the old Empire. The total destruction of thousands of multi-level blocks of Coruscant's InvisiSec district accompanied the fearful emergence of the 12 kilometer long Super Star Destroyer that has, until this morning, been carefully hidden beneath the superstructures of InvisiSec's buildings themselves.

Death On a Massive Scale
The massive Super Star Destroyer, which broadcast the transponder IFF name Lusankya, not having been designed for atmospheric flight, forced its way up through hundreds of levels of inhabited Coruscanti homes, offices, schools, and other buildings powered by a massive repulsor sled system designed to push the terrible vessel into orbit. With terrifying speed, it blasted its way through the structure of InvisiSec's neighborhoods and business districts; the structure that housed over a million Coruscanti citizens, collapsing, upturning, and pulverizing inhabited structure as it rose. The ship then rose into the sky, and easily piercing the planetary shields with its terrible weapons arrays, ascended into space before making the jump to lightspeed. Perhaps a million citizens were killed instantly as their city itself rose up and crumbled around them. Thousands more were likely killed in the resultant groundquakes and fires that spread from Lusankya's destruction of utility and power lines that ran throughout InvisiSec. New Republic and Coruscanti emergency teams are frantically trying to put out the fires and locate survivors, but initial estimates put the total death toll at nearly a million and a half Coruscanti citizens murdered to allow Ysanne Isard to escape the planet with her prized ship.

Lusankya Prison Revealed
The terrible ship that caused this carnage broadcast the name Lusankya, revealing the answer to a riddle that has plagued Alliance Intelligence officials for some time. For years it was known that rebel operatives, agents, and even political dissidents against the regime of the fallen Emperor Palpatine had been "disappeared" to a secret and remote prison facility called simply "Lusankya." General Airen Cracken, head of the newly created New Republic Intelligence office, told HoloNET News, "until now, Lusankya was one of the Empire's best kept secrets. Only top ranking officers and officials had even heard the name. All that was known until this morning was that Lusankya was a secret prison, unspeakably secret and remote, wherein rebel agents and officers and sympathizers, as well as Imperial officials deemed to have 'failed' the regime were sent to be brainwashed, broken, and returned to the Rebellion as double agents." While it is now apparent that the Lusankya was a Super Star Destroyer hidden, against all belief, beneath the structures of Coruscant itself, New Republic officials say they have intelligence that suggest that the fabled Lusankya prison is indeed within the belly of the massive vessel.

Isard's Crimes Laid Bare
Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard, the former hope for a resurgent Empire, in hiding since her failure to defend Coruscant from the then Rebel Alliance, is now known to be behind not only the catastrophic destruction of InvisiSec, but also a number of other crimes and terrorist actions. It has long been suspected the Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front terrorist cells were operating with Isard's direction and supplies, and that has now been confirmed by the defection of Imperial Intelligence operative and PCF leader Kirtan Loor. What's more, files supplied by Loor (who himself was killed this morning by a brainwashed former Lusankya prisoner) confirm that Isard is also behind the engineering and spread of the dreaded Krytos Virus that continues to leave a wake of death as it courses through Coruscant's nonhuman populations. It has also been discovered from Loor's files that, contrary to many estimations, Isard did not intend to let Coruscant fall to the New Republic until after the Krytos virus had had time to spread to the various homeworlds of the nonhuman species affected by the disease. This plot, interrupted by the surprise assault on Coruscant led by the elite Rogue Squadron pilots, would essentially have ended in genocide for many of the galaxy's sentient species. While views on the so-called equality of various nonhuman sapients remains in debate on Coruscant and other key Core worlds, the idea of programmed genocide only shows how truly evil the falling Imperial regime has become.

Reverence for the Dead, Thanks for the New Republic Efforts
With their continued efforts to staunch the horrendous flow of deaths resulting from Isard's Krytos virus, even at the cost of the majority of the meager Republic treasury and the Alliance military's own bacta supplies (shipments of which have been confirmed being distributed to the suffering citizens of Coruscant) the New Republic has been earning grudging respect among even the staunchest Imperial supporters on the world once known as "Imperial Center." Their quick response to the Isard-caused horror in InvisiSec, and their continued attempts to bring in the PCF terrorists, the New Republic has proven to Coruscanti citizens that their true aim is to protect the people the galaxy, rather than rule them as their Imperial counterparts did. While it is difficult not to yearn for the order once imposed by Imperial rule, the Lusankya's horrifying eruption from Coruscant's city-surface can leave little doubt that the Empire's focus has never been so much on the protection of its citizens, but rather on obtaining and holding power, even at the cost of its own people's lives. We here at Galactic HoloNET News send our best wishes to the friends and families of the dead of InvisiSec and the Krytos virus, and we send our thanks for the hard-pressed but earnest efforts of the New Republic to save lives and rebuild a world devastated by our former Imperial leaders.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Is the Galaxy Ready for Mauve?

Is the Galaxy Ready for Mauve?
26 IC/7 ABY

NutriTech Industries is ready to shock the Galaxy. Oh, it may sound unlikely. After all, what could NutriTech Industries, makers of a full line of species-specific and cross-species nutrient products for spacers and planetsiders on a budget, possibly do to shock the galaxy? Well gentle readers, the makers of such delicious products as Green and Blue are about to change the Galaxy as we know it with a new flavor: Mauve!

A Favorite of Spacers
has been a favorite of spacers for over 300 years, and NutriTech has followed up on their star product over the years with such tasty variations as Blue and Teal, and even Chartreuse for the exotic pallet. While the full line of NutriTech products is consumed around the galaxy, Green has always been a favorite with spacers. In fact, NutriTech's Green has been the number one selling nutrient paste foosdstuff product at spaceports since long before the Clone Wars.

A Versatile Product
Like all nutrient paste products, Green can be mixed, exposed, heated, baked, and solidified into a wide variety of solid, semi-solid, and colloidal consistencies, allowing whole culinary creations to be created from the single great taste of Green. Cakes of Green can be frosted with frosting of Green. It can take the shape and, when properly mollified, even the consistency of numerous spongy meats. NutriTech's nutrient paste products can even be semi-frozen and mixed with Nutritech's own LactoSynth mammary-mucous syntho-thickener to create delicious Green shakes.

Are We Really Ready for Mauve?
Even with all galactic citizens already in love with NutriTech's other products, are the tastebuds of the sentients everywhere truly ready for NutriTech's bold new direction, and the bold new taste of Mauve? The taste and texture of Mauve is as bold and brassy as its color. Nutritech's flavorologists have been working hard for over seven years to create a mixture of exotic taste-sensations taken from the most delicious tastes found anywhere in the galaxy. The resulting taste of Mauve is thus a perfect mixture of sweet, savory, salt, fish, meat, kaf, sweetcake, and cheese, with just a hint of burning spice peppers, that sends thrills deep into the very soul of the consumer. Truly, the galaxy may not be ready for a product so perfect as Nutritech's new Mauve.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Imperial Moffs and Breakaway Warlords Still Hold the Rim

Imperial Moffs and Breakaway Warlords Still Hold the Rim!
Rebel Alliance Still Holds Coruscant!
Krytos Deaths Continue to Mount!
26 IC/7ABY

While the fledgling New Republic attempts to salvage some glory from the conquest of Imperial Center, the Alliance government is hounded by horrific setbacks both at home and abroad. It is a known fact that, while Coruscant may currently be in Alliance hands, the majority of the core's Imperial Fortress Worlds are well defended and perfectly capable of resisting Alliance aggression for some time. Moreover, despite several inconstant systems in the Colonies and Expansion Regions having joined the Alliance without a fight, the vast majority of the Imperial Navy remains intact and battle ready in the Mid and Outer Rim.

Moffs, Admirals, and Breakaway Warlords!
Thought the Imperial Navy remains functional, it is fragmented. Those squadrons not currently in defensive patterns around the loyal Fortress Worlds of the Core are split between the primary power brokers of a fragmented Imperial military. Some admirals and moffs have already split from the Empire, and claim sovereignty over tightly controlled sectors in the Rim. Others claim to still hold loyalty to the true Empire, yet refuse to coordinate with the other admirals, moffs and warlords. How their loyalty will be shifted with the disappearance of Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard and the subsequent breakdown of central Imperial leadership remains to be seen.

Warlord Zsinj of the Quelii Sector (Now "Zsinj's Domain")
Former Imperial Admiral and Grand Moff of the Quelii Sector, Warlord Zsinj (no surname) has set himself up as a warlord in in the sector he once ruled as Imperial Grand Moff. Based out of Serreno on the Hydian Way, Zsinj is currently in control of the largest swath of Imperial controlled space in the galaxy. Moreover, surprising the other moffs and warlords to no end, Zsinj seems to command a vast and wealthy financial and industrial infrastructure that keeps his fleet not only supplied, but growing. Though he has officially broken ties with the old Imperial command structure with the disappearance of Isard, the fact that Zsinj's fleet seems larger and better supplied than the true Imperial forces of Grand Moff Ardus Kaine of Oversector Outer leads many to believe that an assault by Zsinj will be the stroke that defeats the fledgling Alliance and brings forth a New Empire.
Grand Moff Ardus Kaine of Oversector Outer and the Pentastar Allignment
The Grand Moff of Oversector Outer, and successor to Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Moff Ardus Kaine worked quickly after the destruction of the second Death Star to gain independent control of corporate and industrial resources in order to hold Oversector Outer should the unthinkable happen and Coruscant fall. Holding stalwartly to the ideals of the New Order, Ardus Kaine is a devoted follower of the Emperor, and until recently was in communication with Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard, thus showing his loyalty even to the haphazard succession of "rightful" Imperial rulers. Oversector Outer, particularly the Pentastar Alignment, a cooperative of Imperial Moffs and corporate interests, is completely unassailable from space and remains the true bastion of Imperial values. Many loyal Imperial citizens, fearing rebel takeovers of their own planets, are moving to Oversector Outer in search of the prosperity and safety promised by Ardus Kaine and his powerful fleets.

Imperial Alliance?
With their combined fleets, Zsinj and Kaine could easily destroy the entire Alliance military force. The question remains, will they do so, and return the Galaxy to Imperial order? Even one of the warlords could fully engage the Alliance navy while the other reconquers the galaxy. However, neither of these cagey leaders seems willing to throw his own forces into the fray only to hand victory to his rival. Could it be that the egos and vain personal agendas of Zinj, Kaine, and other warlords like Moff Par Lankin, General Delvardus, and Moff Prentioch will spell victory for a rebel regime that cannot even seem to handle an outbreak of disease?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Critical Bacta Shortages Plague Krytos Relief Efforts

Critical Bacta Shortages Plague Krytos Relief Efforts
Still No Sign of Executive Isard!
Will Imperial Loyalist Forces and Breakaway Warlords Step in?

IC26/ 7ABY

Coruscant today is still in turmoil. The recent sack of the Galactic Capital by the so-called Alliance of Free Worlds coincided with the outbreak of a terrible plague among nonhuman residents of Imperial City. The Krytos Virus, as the disease has been named, affects only nonhumans such as twileks, sullustans, and the like. The virus works quickly, breaking down the very walls of their cells and turning the victims into wretched masses of blood and tissue within hours.
No Cure, Only Treatment
As yet, there is no cure for the Krytos Virus, but like most diseases, its effects are combated and temporarily alleviated by the regenerative properties of bacta, the seemingly miraculous healing gel. Bacta, however, can only be produced on the the planet Thyferra (often called the Bacta Planet for this reason), and the galactic supply is currently low and spread thin from the core to the rim because of the continual fighting of the Galactic Civil War. In this modern age, all armies rely on bacta, and with flashpoints of the war springing up in every corner of the galaxy, ready supplies of the life-giving gel are jealously horded.
Shipping Stoppages Due to Hostilities
Unfortunately for the dying citizens of the burgeoning "New Republic," shipments of bacta are few and far between as continued hostility between segments of the Imperial Navy and the New Republic forces makes shipments of the valuable substance quite dangerous. Supposedly, the Rebel forces are shipping large amounts of their own bacta to the stricken civilians of Coruscant, but whether this is true or simply part of a humanitarian PR campaign by the Rebel government is yet to be seen. Former Imperial Senator from Chandrilla, Mon Mothma, now "President" of the Alliance of Free Worlds, has devoted a large amount of the dwindling Alliance treasury towards purchasing what bacta can be shipped to those suffering in Imperial City. At current, shipments of bacta are selling at nearly twice the standard galactic rate.
Still No Word From Isard

Imperial Executive, and former head of Imperial Intelligence, Ysanne Isard disappeared with the sack of Coruscant, and has yet to turn up despite numerous Rebel searches. The official word from the Alliance government is that the Krytos Virus is most likely an engineered disease left by Isard to cause problems for the conquering Rebels, but detractors point to the fact that the virus did not spread until Rebel ships landed in Imperial City. With Isard quiet, and possibly plotting a counterattack against the Rebel invaders, many on Coruscant are looking to the remains of the Imperial Navy, and those admirals that have broken away and become warlords on the rim. At current, Admiral Ardus Kaine of Oversector Outer (much truncated from its old Imperial borders) and Admiral Zsinj who controls nearly a third of the galaxy with his breakaway empire, are the current hopes for Imperial loyalists on the fallen capital.
The Short Reign of the New Republic?
It remains to be seen whether or not the New Republic can survive the combination of economic, logistical and military storms that rock its young ship of state at this time. It is, many think, entirely probable that the fractious admirals and warlords of the rim will ally themselves towards a renewed Empire, and remove the Rebel movement. Many believe that Isard is not in hiding, but rather using Curuscant as a trap for the rebels, one that they've fallen into with relish. While the supporters of Mon Mothma and her new government are trying to celebrate despite the Krytos Virus, those hoping for a reinstatement of the Empire are waiting with baited breath to see what comes of the this New Republic. Only time, and war will tell.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Coruscant Falls to the Rebels!

Coruscant Falls to the Rebels!
Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard Missing!

The End of the Imperial Era?
IC 26/7 ABY (Rebel Calendar)

The glittering jewel of the galaxy, the center of governance, civilization, and galactic law is now firmly and officially in the hands of the so-called Rebel Alliance.
Last week, rebel saboteurs took control of one of capital planet's orbital solar mirrors and caused a focused light beam to vaporize Imperial City's No. 210 water reservoir. The resulting cloudburst caused lightening that downed ships and speeders and caused numerous deaths as well as (assuredly the rebel's primary objective) destabilizing and shutting down the planetary deflector shield.
With the collapse of the shield, the combined rebel fleet jumped into Coruscanti space from the recently captured planet of Borleias and engaged in a fierce, but frightfully brief space battle with the six Star Destroyers of the Coruscant Defense Detail. With surprise and greater numbers on their side, the rebel's handily defeated Coruscant's defenders and descended upon the capital planet directly. Depending on the great deflector shield itself for most of the planet's safety, the Imperial anti-air/space systems and planetary fighter squadrons were unable to mount a serious defense, as many were blasted from orbit before being able to sufficiently respond to the rebel threat.
Isard Missing!
Throughout the battle, Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard could not be reached, nor can she or her top aides be located at this time, though Rebel agents are no doubt searching the vastness of the great city-planet for them. Judging by Isard's history as head of Imperial Intelligence, it is unlikely that she will be soon found.
New Republic?
Former Imperial senator Mon Mothma, now head of the so-called Alliance of Free Planets and her ruling council (which hails mostly from nonhuman worlds) has publicly declared Coruscant "liberated." She has further stated that a New Republic will be built on Coruscant, wherein a reinstated senate will vote on edicts for a "free" galaxy.
Death Follows the Rebels!

Promises of democracy and republicanism, however, have to take a back seat to the terrible virus that seems to have followed to rebels to Coruscant. Within hours of taking the capital, the deadly disease, dubbed the "Krytos Virus," began sweeping through the nonhuman population of the planet. This first challenge to the "New Republic" is showing cracks in the seemingly powerful facade of the rebel government. As the Krytos Virus turns the once healthy flesh of nonhuman sentients into a bloody soup, Mon Mothma and her government frantically seek funds for Bacta to ameliorate the effects of the disease, as well as research teams willing and capable of developing a cure. As of now, only a week into the rebel occupation, thousands have died, and no solid method of acquiring and distributing Bacta has been developed by the credit-strapped "New Republic."