Thursday, November 25, 2010

Critical Bacta Shortages Plague Krytos Relief Efforts

Critical Bacta Shortages Plague Krytos Relief Efforts
Still No Sign of Executive Isard!
Will Imperial Loyalist Forces and Breakaway Warlords Step in?

IC26/ 7ABY

Coruscant today is still in turmoil. The recent sack of the Galactic Capital by the so-called Alliance of Free Worlds coincided with the outbreak of a terrible plague among nonhuman residents of Imperial City. The Krytos Virus, as the disease has been named, affects only nonhumans such as twileks, sullustans, and the like. The virus works quickly, breaking down the very walls of their cells and turning the victims into wretched masses of blood and tissue within hours.
No Cure, Only Treatment
As yet, there is no cure for the Krytos Virus, but like most diseases, its effects are combated and temporarily alleviated by the regenerative properties of bacta, the seemingly miraculous healing gel. Bacta, however, can only be produced on the the planet Thyferra (often called the Bacta Planet for this reason), and the galactic supply is currently low and spread thin from the core to the rim because of the continual fighting of the Galactic Civil War. In this modern age, all armies rely on bacta, and with flashpoints of the war springing up in every corner of the galaxy, ready supplies of the life-giving gel are jealously horded.
Shipping Stoppages Due to Hostilities
Unfortunately for the dying citizens of the burgeoning "New Republic," shipments of bacta are few and far between as continued hostility between segments of the Imperial Navy and the New Republic forces makes shipments of the valuable substance quite dangerous. Supposedly, the Rebel forces are shipping large amounts of their own bacta to the stricken civilians of Coruscant, but whether this is true or simply part of a humanitarian PR campaign by the Rebel government is yet to be seen. Former Imperial Senator from Chandrilla, Mon Mothma, now "President" of the Alliance of Free Worlds, has devoted a large amount of the dwindling Alliance treasury towards purchasing what bacta can be shipped to those suffering in Imperial City. At current, shipments of bacta are selling at nearly twice the standard galactic rate.
Still No Word From Isard

Imperial Executive, and former head of Imperial Intelligence, Ysanne Isard disappeared with the sack of Coruscant, and has yet to turn up despite numerous Rebel searches. The official word from the Alliance government is that the Krytos Virus is most likely an engineered disease left by Isard to cause problems for the conquering Rebels, but detractors point to the fact that the virus did not spread until Rebel ships landed in Imperial City. With Isard quiet, and possibly plotting a counterattack against the Rebel invaders, many on Coruscant are looking to the remains of the Imperial Navy, and those admirals that have broken away and become warlords on the rim. At current, Admiral Ardus Kaine of Oversector Outer (much truncated from its old Imperial borders) and Admiral Zsinj who controls nearly a third of the galaxy with his breakaway empire, are the current hopes for Imperial loyalists on the fallen capital.
The Short Reign of the New Republic?
It remains to be seen whether or not the New Republic can survive the combination of economic, logistical and military storms that rock its young ship of state at this time. It is, many think, entirely probable that the fractious admirals and warlords of the rim will ally themselves towards a renewed Empire, and remove the Rebel movement. Many believe that Isard is not in hiding, but rather using Curuscant as a trap for the rebels, one that they've fallen into with relish. While the supporters of Mon Mothma and her new government are trying to celebrate despite the Krytos Virus, those hoping for a reinstatement of the Empire are waiting with baited breath to see what comes of the this New Republic. Only time, and war will tell.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Coruscant Falls to the Rebels!

Coruscant Falls to the Rebels!
Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard Missing!

The End of the Imperial Era?
IC 26/7 ABY (Rebel Calendar)

The glittering jewel of the galaxy, the center of governance, civilization, and galactic law is now firmly and officially in the hands of the so-called Rebel Alliance.
Last week, rebel saboteurs took control of one of capital planet's orbital solar mirrors and caused a focused light beam to vaporize Imperial City's No. 210 water reservoir. The resulting cloudburst caused lightening that downed ships and speeders and caused numerous deaths as well as (assuredly the rebel's primary objective) destabilizing and shutting down the planetary deflector shield.
With the collapse of the shield, the combined rebel fleet jumped into Coruscanti space from the recently captured planet of Borleias and engaged in a fierce, but frightfully brief space battle with the six Star Destroyers of the Coruscant Defense Detail. With surprise and greater numbers on their side, the rebel's handily defeated Coruscant's defenders and descended upon the capital planet directly. Depending on the great deflector shield itself for most of the planet's safety, the Imperial anti-air/space systems and planetary fighter squadrons were unable to mount a serious defense, as many were blasted from orbit before being able to sufficiently respond to the rebel threat.
Isard Missing!
Throughout the battle, Imperial Executive Ysanne Isard could not be reached, nor can she or her top aides be located at this time, though Rebel agents are no doubt searching the vastness of the great city-planet for them. Judging by Isard's history as head of Imperial Intelligence, it is unlikely that she will be soon found.
New Republic?
Former Imperial senator Mon Mothma, now head of the so-called Alliance of Free Planets and her ruling council (which hails mostly from nonhuman worlds) has publicly declared Coruscant "liberated." She has further stated that a New Republic will be built on Coruscant, wherein a reinstated senate will vote on edicts for a "free" galaxy.
Death Follows the Rebels!

Promises of democracy and republicanism, however, have to take a back seat to the terrible virus that seems to have followed to rebels to Coruscant. Within hours of taking the capital, the deadly disease, dubbed the "Krytos Virus," began sweeping through the nonhuman population of the planet. This first challenge to the "New Republic" is showing cracks in the seemingly powerful facade of the rebel government. As the Krytos Virus turns the once healthy flesh of nonhuman sentients into a bloody soup, Mon Mothma and her government frantically seek funds for Bacta to ameliorate the effects of the disease, as well as research teams willing and capable of developing a cure. As of now, only a week into the rebel occupation, thousands have died, and no solid method of acquiring and distributing Bacta has been developed by the credit-strapped "New Republic."